Option to turn off skill discriptions
I was wondering if they could possibly add an option to turn off the skill discriptions that appear above your skills on your skillbar, mainly when in battle.
I just think that if I put a skill on my skillbar and enter battle I really should know what it does making the display of a skill discription unneccesary.
And for me I like to have my effects monitor right above my skillbar so that i can see everything in one look and see if i need to reapply a stance or something, but with the new UI it seems that the boxes for skill discription are much darker and, for me atleast, alot harder to see what is running out and what's not when I go to click on a skill. So I think that, though it may be useful to some people, we should be given the option to turn off skill descriptions for our skill bar atleast while in battle.
what do you guys think?